Upon examining content
analysis, this quantitative form of collecting data has been particularly
useful in regulating how men and women are portrayed within the media and to
document the narrow and restrictive range of stereotypes used to depict both
sexes. Content analysis constructs a coding scheme to decide how to analyze a
specific text and allow the researcher to effectively compare multiple texts to
one another. This form of research was employed within the YouTube video
sensation, “The Bechdel Test.” Within the clip (shown during class), the
main woman narrating the video explains that though it may appear women are
gaining more equal roles in television shows and films, they are still either
underrepresented or represented as passive, dependent, and/or over sexualized
objects. She is analyzing the content of popular media texts and grading based
upon how they measure to her coding scheme. She states that the text must
(1) have at least two women in it, who (2) talk to each other about (3)
something besides a man. She concludes that allow the media has begun to
include more women in general, females are still being demeaned based upon how
their characters are portrayed.
This video is an accurate depiction of
content analysis theory because the narrator has studied texts based upon her
coding system and drawn conclusions from the data collected. It appears male characters are still overrepresented and are
often portrayed in a diverse array of roles and with various characteristics. In comparison, women are shown in a variety of roles and behaviors in the media, yet the trend
of underrepresentation of female major and minor characters still persists.
Below, I have attached a comic strip I found that can be viewed as another example of “The Bechdel Test.” These two women are depicted as having not seen each other in a significant amount of time, but within minutes, they turn the conversation to their love lives.
Below, I have attached a comic strip I found that can be viewed as another example of “The Bechdel Test.” These two women are depicted as having not seen each other in a significant amount of time, but within minutes, they turn the conversation to their love lives.
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